My neighbor's take this commandment seriously. They are a true example of simply, totally, without reservation or expecting anything in return, loving each other.
And they call it, SAUCE SUNDAY.
So let me tell ya how it is around here -
When the host and hostess of Sauce Sunday, Chris and Joe, were first married they lived in New Haven, Conetticut, where they both grew up. This is where Sauce Sunday originated some 25 years ago, but at some point they

First some introductions and a little back-story so I don't mix you up more than you already are.
You might remember my daughter Maggie.
This is my youngest son, Dylan. He's usually away at school or down the beach with skim board, boogie board, surf board, flippers, basketball or frisbee. He checks in by phone or runs in to take a quick shower and grab a pepper jack turkey sandwich, (his favorite), every now and again. It's hard to keep cereal, waffles or milk in the house when he's home but, according to him, I serve most of my meals when the surf is best so he's no where to be found. I know it couldn't have anything to do with my cooking.
Dylan is my: always in a good mood, quick to forgive, full of quippy humor, boy. I guess I can't call him my boy anymore, at eighteen he's a young man now, seemingly finished with his surly teen years and extremely enjoyable to have around. But, most often you can find him over here where Sauce Sundays occur, with his adopted family, the Crocamo's. Nobody is sweeter to our son than the Crocamos are. Every time we see them they say, "we just love Dylan." Ya gotta love it when somebody favors you with a compliment about your kid like that. We sure do! Anyhow, Dylan's a handsome devil, don't ya think?
Well, there you have it. It's through our two youngest kids that we met the Crocamos and have had the honor to share in Sauce Sundays. So as you don't get too mixed up inside this l o n g post of mine, I would now like to introduce you to our Sauce Sunday hostess, Christine Antonelli, (the beautiful blonde serving cupcakes which you see here). Her grandfather, Silvio Antonelli had an Italian restaurant on Wooster Street in New Haven, Conneticut. So you could say that good cooking and entertaining are in her blood. You could, and you should, because as you're about to see, it's very true.
After we moved here to the beach and wasting no time, my kids made haste to find friends in their new hood, and soon found that all the "cool" people with kids their age lived on the streets around ours. On our particular street, most of the families have already raised their kids or just come for the summer season. It's a bit too boring tame for a couple of teenagers looking for excitement someone to play a video game with. Just over the next street though, you never fail to see a passel of kids on skate boards, or in their wetsuits carrying their surfboards down the beach to catch a wave. There are pogo sticks bouncing, balls flying, and lawn wrestling going on at any given time.
As an aside, Important note: As I've taught my kids to drive, the most crucial lesson I teach them is this: When you are driving down a street and you see a ball roll into your path, S T O P. Because, when there is a ball rolling into the street, there is sure to be a kid or a dog right behind it. That's the most important rule of driving, so don't forget it because that's the way it is. And it is most definitely true on the street where they have Sauce Sunday. Lecture complete.
Precious cargo.
Amen and you're welcome.
When we first moved to our new neighborhood six years ago now, within a couple of days
Well, the folks I have for neighbors here at the beach, including my son Dylan's adopted family down the road, have made me feel so at home. I actually ventured out to "Sauce Sunday",
I kinda think that Chris got a wee bit of her wish regarding her desire to live in France. On Sauce Sunday one kind of feels like they live in the South of France. Lots and lots of Sunflowers bedazzle the tables. Some come from the garden next door. Others are scored with the help of a sweet teenage neighbor girl, Stella, who goes to our local Sunday Farmer's Market and uses her buyer's finesse to get a good deal. Keep your eye on her, I think she has a promising future in sales and marketing.
As I was saying, there is nothing more fun than to gather up the pups and take a walk-about. You know how in the old television sitcom "Cheers", the theme song reads, "where everybody knows your name?" Well, 'round here everyone knows you by your dog's name. Someone might say something such as, "hey, aren't you Bailey and Kieran's mom?" Or, your dogs are so cute, and it's so funny that you named them after booze"! ? ! :) What?
So first and foremost, I recognized lots of dogs I knew. This put my agorophobic issues to rest, making me feel so much more comfortable. It gave me the doggy loving security to venture on and soon I stumbled upon this welcome sight.
Why, isn't that Nash?
And glory be, I believe that's Brady there looking dead on the sidewalk. No worries, he's not actually dead. This is actually Brady's usual stance. Except for the drool coming out on the sidewalk. That was because after two days of following cooks around his kitchen he was in a food coma.
Then I saw this sight right out of some al fresco scene from Tuscany!
Then, on one of the tables I discovered Silver! After a
Chris was actually searching for a piano in the paper and ended up finding a guy who sold her these forks for an awesome price.

True Serendipity, yes?
Not only that, she uses her good China dishes, and sets everything out on tables covered with white cloths. I love to set a beautiful table as much as anyone, and I don't save my good china for special occasions only, however, we're talking about 80 to 100 neighbors, lots of them under the age of 12, eating dinner on a sidewalk spanning the entire block! Ohhhh shiver me control freak tendencies.
I've hosted many a rager in my day, but I've never, never, ever, been so completely mello about it as Chris and Joe are on Sauce Sundays. They are what I would refer to as, grace under fire.
Uh-oh. People I don't know. Deep breath in; slow breath out.
This is is how you bring the inside - out.
Folks bring coolers full of water bottles, soda, and vino. Chris has a sweet sister Diane, who has three boys, and they live just across the street. Her brother John, his wife and their two little ones live just over by the train station. I'm talkin' a Grande Familia Italiano. She has two brothers and four sisters and most of them live practically next door! They just fill their kitchen with family and friends and c o o k their hearts out. But it's Chris that is the power house behind all the shenanigans. She desiginates where kids should go and what they should do (be they hers) or any strays (like mine) hanging around. She blasts around her kitchen at rocket pace whipping up tasty treats and an Italian feast that Ceasar Augutus himself would be proud of. There are no rules. Anyone can help, they never seem to run out of ingredients or food, and there are always people helping to set things up and take things down, although there's a rumor that her husband Joe does all the dishes. (God bless a man who does dishes.)
Have I made it clear that nothing's black and white? There are no cheat sheets posted, no rules set in stone. Blast my best efforts not to cave in to my ocd! Although you didn't ask, you really ought to know, there's a difference between being a perfectionist and
Neighbors are happy to contribute to the feast, bringing Ceasar salad with garlic croutons; plates of fresh Caprese Salad which are artistic wonders unto themselves and could rival any of Italy's top chefs, and chairs and furniture so there are plenty of places to sit yourself down for a spell. But Chris and Joe supply the Sauce and the Meatballs, the bulk of the appetizers, and the desert! To say nothing of those beautiful silver forks and place settings which make you feel like you are eating at the nicest Italian restaurant in town.
Somebody a couple of Sauce Sundays ago, brought this cool old VW pop-up van and parked it out front for entertainment. It made a whole new kind of playground for the kids!
A real fort on wheels! You may have noticed from my last brief post on Wordless Wednesday, that we have some pretty artistic and talented fort builders around these parts. Check out this teepee.
Soon enough, Chris exclaims, "food's on," and leads the way to the tables laden with her famous meatballs, sauce, and other delectibles. Have I mentioned that there are hundreds of meatballs? For Joe's 50th birthday there were 450 of them! It takes an army to carry it all outside.
Somehow not only does everyone ingest so much delicious food you can hear gratified moaning for hours afterward, everyone gets a seat with a china plate and a silver fork!
Well pimp my ride. The canopy of a double stroller does a fine tabletop make!
This is the kitchen where all the magic happens. The Crocamo's began Sauce Sunday in their home town in Conneticut but, continued it when they moved here to the beach. When I asked our gracious hostess how all this began, she told me a story about the neighborhood. I may not be relaying it exactly right, but I get all chocked up when I tell it, which is one example why I am too awkward to be let out on the streets alone. So here goes. Chris and some of the neighbors were enjoying a little dinner al fresco one summer evening and an old lady (even older than I) strolled by and took Chris aside. She whispered something to the effect of this, in her ear - "sweetie, you have no idea how special this neighborhood is and how precious this will be to you in the future. Appreciate and hang on to it!" And so she has. She and her husband Joe resurrected Sauce Sunday from the East Coast to the West and for the last sixteen years they have been showing and sharing their appreciation in a very special way.
At last count Chris made 450 meatballs for one Sauce Sunday. All of them were consumed! For those whom only eat vegetarian, she serves the pasta and the meatballs on separate platters. On top of every thing else that is cool about Sauce Sunday's, how awesome is that!
You should see how hopping this place is all the time. Sometimes Joe just invites all the kids over to make their own individual pizzas. He makes a bijillion pounds of home made pizza dough and then sets out everything from gummy worms, (yes I did say Gummy Worms)
This is Chris working her culinary magic. She even sports a darling little black dress while she cooks! It's official. She's my hero. These are some of the scrumptous and delictible edibles from which we get to imbibe on Sauce Sunday. Calzones stuffed with roasted bell pepper, sweet sauted onions, mixtures of pork and beef and sauce and well, you can see them in the top left baking pan and they're just bulging with yummy ingredients straight from the fresh vegetable co-op they belong to. Whatever is in season is what you get that week. It's all locally grown and freshly picked. If you don't know what to do with an Okra, just Google it!
On the last Sauce Sunday I helped make Calzones. When I showed up I asked Chris what I could do to help and she casually pointed in the direction of several bowls of grilled veggies and sauce and said, "you can finish those." Luckily she'd already made several which I used as my guide to figure out how much stuffing was needed and how to roll those suckers. I had plenty of dough, as Joe made 8 lbs of it just for this party! In the past I've been a: read the recipe and hope it has step by step pictures, kind of gal. Chris sorta just
Hold me! Cute, precious, delicious, adorableness doesn't even come close to describing this baby.
And now, here it is in all its GLORY -
Voila! The Sauce.
COME AND GET IT! Don't ya wish you were here?
Chris happily looking over her neighbors feasting on her front lawn. I think I see a satisfied women here.
Have I introduced the other half of this dynamic duo? This is Joe, Chris's husband, and their children. Well, you can read their names for yourselves. Hehehehehehh! I promised I wouldn't tell who is who. (You're welcome Casey.)
This is the motto we try to live by at the beach.
"Love your neighbor",
Sauce Sunday isn't always about raising money for a good cause although, this particular Sunday saw excellent results in a draw to make dreams come true for special atheletes. A couple of days later this sign was still up and the donations in red had risen all the way up to the very tip top! As all the best chef's say, BAM! And that's how it's done.
My neighbors sure do.
Love ya more than all the sauce at Sauce Sunday!
P.S. Check back here soon because I'm going to do another post on how much fun the neighborhood dogs have on Sauce Sundays. I have some seriously adorable photos of neighborhood dogs that will make you smile. After that,
WOWZA...what a post and what a nice neighbor to have! I do wish I had been there because I am sure the food was heavenly! I have given block parties before but not made ALL the food for it..she is amazing! ;D
Well, Good Lord! It took me 2 hours and 33 and 1/2 minutes (by last count) to READ this post. I thought I had turned on a Book Nook by mistake! Sauce Sunday sounds divine and I can see they have converted the saucy chick I know, and love, (you) into a right hand helper...or left..not sure if you are a Southpaw or not-probably are?
What a fun idea- what a great way to bring a neighborhood together. We have no neighborhoods like that here. It is very buttoned-up Midwestern style. Don't touch me and I won't touch you sorta-thing. And, besides that by the time we got all that sauce done and out there it would be frozen..cuz we can go from 80º to 31º in the space of a day (and often do).
So, being a bit of an introvert myself (yes-I-am) I understand your hesitation in putting it out there (the face)-but I can see that you have now fit in with the best (or worst) of them!
Loved this story- I'm thinking you should submit it to Reader's Digest (they DO still print that, don't they).
I am traveling the Upper Midwest searching for falling acorns and leaves that have turned. If you don't hear from me at your next post-send a rescue crew- I will be the mound under the snow that is covered with leaves! xo Diana
Mom that was a great blog, thanks for adding me in it. :)
Ahhhhhh..... Dylan thanked you! THAT is impressive. (Lindsay: "MAAAAM, stop blogging about me) What a wonderful day you all had. So much effort put into it. I try to avoid my neighbors at all cost (East Coast mentality) Really enjoyed the pictures. The food looked amazing and yes, I spotted the wine! Congratulations on reaching your goal.
Boy I loved this!!! Wonderful community. I'm moving - need a new neighbor?
This is so my family and upbringing.
When I lived out west neighbors in the PNW were cold. We did these things here in the east and were so disappointed at their reactions. So we hung our heads and headed inside. When we moved back east it was what everyone did again and it made me so happy to feel at home again. I love sitting on the stoops, waving neighbors over for a drink, sharing food and family.
I am so happy that the PNW is not like the rest of the west and there are fun crazy Italians and wasps all enjoying life around food, friends and vino. Nothing brings together people more than food. Trust me it works every time. How do you think I met my neighbors? Dogs and my sauce. :-)
Sauce Sunday! LOVE IT!!! What a beautiful idea. Everything looks lovely...happy kids, good food, good neighbors...BLISS!!
Also, I didn't realize you had a Dylan too! Love:)
Sounds like fun! And it looks like everybody had a blast. Have a delightful day, Kellie xx
Your neighbours look so friendly! I actually DO wish I was there. Chris is my hero too, infact I think I want her to be my mummy :-) that cupcake tray looks spectacular
thanks for writing such a wonderful piece. love your photos too!
You are blessed to have awesome neighbors! Sauce Sundays sound marvelous. What a great tradition.
I love that Chris cooks in a Little Black Dress!
What an AMAZING neighborhood!!! That's it, send me a message as soon as a house opens up! I'll find a way to move cross country!
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