Well hey, and welcome back to the cottage. Back in my last post I promised that I'd let you in on what I've been doing
One of the things I mentioned in my last post was, a "surprise" pregnancy. If you watched the movie of the baptism of our two newest grandchildren in my last post, you may have caught on to who surprised us! If you want, you can catch up a bit with our Maggie's life as it was last year, right here- when we were taking her back to Illinois to go to University. I'll get back to the surprise in just a sec. Okay? Okay.
One of the other great events in our life back then was, the graduation of our son Cooper, from University. I wrote all about that right here on Graduation Day!
Oh! What a celebration we had. Four years of hard work and we all came together to stand by his side as he took his first steps into what would be a whole new life. He's moved to San Francisco, California to take a job with an Architectural Design Firm, confirming the fact that I truly now do have, an empty nest. Ahhhhhhhh euuuuu ahhh sob sob sob slurp snot sob wahhhhhhhhhhh. More about that later.
As you can easily see in this family photo, our eldest daughter Tara, is very pregnant with her seventh baby. Our little Rebecca Kathleen was born last fall and I invite you to read all about that right here with just a click. We Welcome With Love. Look at this face. You're not gonna want to miss it.
This is Rebecca (or, baby Brebecca) as her sister Abby tends to call her. She is in the arms of her godmother, my daughter, Kate.
Then, this guy, you might remember him if you're a regular reader. My son, Dylan, got another of his bright ideas. Oh these kids… Kids! He began a regime of preparation to enter the US Army.
Life kept rolling along way to quickly, (at least for me) and it was time for our youngest son to realize his dream. Once again, with fear and trepidation, and happiness backed by pride, we saw him on his way. You get the picture now, and you can see my handsome soldier and the beginning of his journey, right here at, An American Soldier.
Now let's see. Am I forgetting anything? It's been a loooong, interesting, frightening, thrilling, year full of change. Have I mentioned that I'm not a big fan of change?

Friends, let me just say that, I do get it. I've been a mom for 37 years. It's what I dreamed of since I was a little girl. It's the only thing I ever really wanted to be. When other kids were hanging their star on becoming a doctor, a lawyer, a nurse or a garbage collector. All I wanted was to become a mom. I understood that when you had kids your job was to love and protect them and to help and guide them through life and into becoming an independent, responsible human being who gives back to the world through their own lives. But something in my brain just didn't click way back then, regarding the fact that all that guiding to independence would lead to them leaving me. I swear, I just didn't get that part of the memo. Embarrassingly enough, I thought that I'd raise these amazing people who would become my very best friends and we'd live next door to each other
I think I've caught you up on everybody except Kate and her husband Justin. They are the couple who live in Washington. (The wet one not the political one.) After getting her degree in business, Kate decided, after her husband got a job transfer to Seattle, that she would go back to Nursing school. She is loving it, and I know she will make an amazing nurse. Doctor's and nurses tend to run in our family so, she knows what she's getting into. Let me just say, although being a mom does tend to involve nursing of all sorts, it doesn't prepare you for things like cleaning Pannis. You'll have to look it up, I just can't talk about it. When she tries to explain all the amazing things she's learning about and doing in her practicums - I often have to put my hands over my ears and mumble inside my head to hide the horrors of her future profession. But really, GOD BLESS NURSES. And while you're praying, could you pray that when she graduates she and her hubby come back and live somewhere nearby? Thanks.
Moving forward now, let me introduce you to Ian. Ian is Maggie's true love. She met him at University in Illinois, where he is on a Volleyball scholarship. You might be able to see from this picture, that volleyball would be a sport he may excel in. Maggie is 5'9" tall so that makes Ian, yup, 6'7" tall. His dad is taller than that and his uncle is taller than that!
Maggie and Ian surprised us last year right about the time Cooper graduated and we were celebrating that, with the news that they were expecting a baby in December. Life is just full of surprises isn't it? Just when you think things are working out one way, they aren't. But the beauty of that is that, the best laid plans sometimes turn into even better ones. I don't know who made the rule, certainly not I. I would have things stay nice and cozy and expected and the same! You can't say I haven't explained to you how I feel about change. (Except for a few fun vacations now and then which I'm all for.) You may not think this from all you know about me but, I handled this surprise the best of all of us yahoo's which was the real surprise! It was quite the tactical maneuver, which even our soldier couldn't figure out, to tell mom. Oh yeah. I was the last to know. Which instills the fact that
Phone calls were made, plane tickets were purchased, families rallied. It will always be easy to remember from now on, who is who. We are the mini family up there starting with my hubby on the left. They are the long and lean. Obviously. Maggie and Ian had a lot of decisions to make and since they are so young, they wanted their parents there to help them. And we were. We are. They are. And we are all lucky we are! I don't even know how to put into words (which is funny seeing as it's me.) But, these people who were one day strangers, then unexpectedly brought into our lives, are one of the most amazing, loving, gracious, beautiful in every way, family's I've ever known. Suffice it to say, this could have gone so many ways. I think I can sum it up by saying, God's grace is mighty!
And life went on.
And on.And on.
And on.
And on.
It takes 9 months ya know?
Now that's a surprise to celebrate.
Labor started just after we had sat down to dinner on 16th December. Things went along slowly and gently and it wasn't until Maggie came into our room around midnight that, we panicked. Just kidding. It's not like we haven't done this before. Oh heck, who am I fooling? Every time seems like the first time and every time can go a different way. Here we are back at the crossroads of 'change' again.
After almost 24 hours of labor the little one's heartbeat was in stress and it was decided that a c-section was in order. Oh my gosh. The gnashing of teeth, the pulling of hair, the biting of tongue (and that was just me!) But in no time at all, and by the grace of God, our little Finnegan Scott entered the world and was gently placed in his mommy and daddy's welcoming arms.
Once again, baby love, has graced our lives.
Lots has happened since then, and as life goes on, so it changes. I know I'm not the only one who struggles with this. I guess I'll just have to reconcile with that. But, do tell?
Soon I will blog joyous wedding pictures, more graduations, and well, you just never know, do you? I have so many photos and there is so much action around here, I could fill up blog posts from now until… Meantime though, Finn has something he wants to say and then I'll let you go.
I'm glad my family did.
(and can you tell I just love this swing?)
Once again, from my cottage and until the next blog.
Tia xoxo
congratulations Grandma.
The baby is beautiful.
Thanks Peg - I think he's a keeper!
Oh my gosh, Tia....what busy year you've had, girl! Wow! But while reading your post, one word kept weaving itself around my mind..... LOVE. You are all such a happy, comfortable, loving, embracing family ~ following the commands of our God. Bless you for that. Congratulations on the new adventures that everyone is stepping out on, and may God continue to bless each and every step that you all take as a family! ♥
xoxo laurie
Oh dear this was a beautiful recap. Enjoyed reading every part of it. I totally agree choose life. Loves and hugs :)
he is sure a cutie and just a lovely family to come to :)
Tia I wish I could wrap my arms around you and hug you for a very long time. I sure do wish we lived closer because you are just the friend that I could truly connect with at this time...I am in the same season as you. And believe me, I knew it was going to be one that I did not know if I could survive. But guess what? I am surviving. It is hard when they leave the nest. Thankfully none of mine have gone so far yet. The furthest is my daughter Holly at UC Berkeley. My son Luke is living with his sweetheart downtown(thats our capitol city), and my two youngest are still home. But Gracie is hoping to transfer to Humboldt State Univ. next year...and then Jeremy will transfer to UC Berkeley (he is the architect major..and top of his class at our community college). Your son Cooper is living my son Jeremy's dream!
I am so happy for you in every way with every little part of your family's happenings. It is beautiful...truly the light, the love you all give. I do not like change one bit!!!!! So I can relate to every detail of your 'cry'. At least they come back to visit right?
Someday, when we can get our vintage travel trailer restored, we will travel south and I will definetly contact you to meet up on the shore and give you that hug, okay?
Thank you for always leaving the kindest of comments. Please come back by and enter the Giveaway. xxo Kerrie
Oh Tia...we go through our lives thinking we have things figured, and planned out...then bam! reality is...God's plan happens! After we catch our breath, and have a minute to soak it all in, we see that His plan brings more joy than we could ever have imagined.
Look at all of your blessings in the past several months. Some overwhelming situations, that ended up being precious gifts.
What a grand post!
God Bless you, and your growing family.
Congratulations on the birth of your new grandchild!
When I prayed that God would help my daughter get focused and settle down, I had no idea what I was asking. I thought I did. When she announced an unplanned pregnancy....well...." God, that's not what I meant!" The wedding came two years later. Now there is a second sweet babe and a wonderful extended family, with a VERY SETTLED Mummy. God knows what He's about, that is for sure. We can trust Him! Blessings, Tia!
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